Jeremy Bittner, Vice President


Jeremy Bittner lost this lower left leg in a lawnmower accident in 1993 when he was 4 years old. Growing up he played every sport imaginable. During his sophomore year of high school, he decided to focus on golf practicing with his coach throughout the winter. In 2006 the head pro at his local golf course in Williamsport, PA suggested he attend an EAGA event in Carlisle, PA. Since then Jeremy has been a regular at EAGA events winning several tournaments including the 2007 Pittsburgh Amputee, 2008 Pennsylvania Amputee, 2018 Eastern Regional Amputee Championship. Last year, he finished Runner-Up in the 34th Eastern Regional.  He has also played in several National Amputee Golf Championships.  Jeremy now lives in Pittsburgh, PA managing a hotel downtown. He is a member at Chartiers Country Club where he and his wife, Darlene, and three kids, Kate, Keegan, and newborn daughter Lillian spend a good bit of their time in the summer. Jeremy is looking forward to putting his passion for golf into helping the EAGA Board of Officers grow the game within the amputee community.